🚨 ELECTION ALERT 🚨 The Illuminati Has Set The Stage for Race-Based False Flag Attacks During a Disputed Election That Are Designed to Trigger Civil War Conditions!
Trump's Old Classmate with a Blast-From-The-Past Story, Which Doesn't Shock Most Who've Kept Track of Trump 40+ Years, But is Kept Hidden By the Modern-Liberals and Certainly Rothschild-Owned Illuminati Media!
A TIMELINE BREAKDOWN OF ELECTION 2024: Dr. Naomi Wolf Warns We Are in an Undeclared War with The Illuminati Who've Already Set in Motion Plans to End The American Republic within Weeks!! | 🚨 IMPENDING MARTIAL LAW ALERT 🚨
Former Top Democrat Strategist, Dr. Naomi Wolf Endorses Trump, But Warns That A.I. Can Be Used to Flip Votes, Misdirect Voters, and Create The Chaos Needed for The Deep States' Contested Election Plan!
The Man Who Gave Michael and Madonna the "Crotch Grab".. Which Soon After Almost Got Madonna Arrested in Canada! [Nearly Fascist Then, Entirely Communist Today!] | Choreographer, Vincent Patterson, for The 1990 Blond Ambition Tour.
The Once "MAGA Granny" Turns on Trump and Alex Jones—This is the Kind of Frazzled Disoriented Mind Qanon Breeds After the PsyOp on the Individual's Mind is Complete, Saturating it with Enough False Dates and Fake Intel.
The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, Harvard Says "Aliens Are Living Among Us", and Practicing Fake Alien Invasions on Small Villages in South America — The PSYOP Has Begun! | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
Censored Artist M.I.A., Known for Collabs w/ Master P, Silkk The Shocker, and Madonna; Goes LIVE with Alex Jones Resulting in Epic Interview—Includes The Death Shots, Israel/Palestine, Russia/Ukraine, Julian Assange, and Building a Parallel Economy!