FAKE NEWS 2.0: Fake Anti-Elon Musk Stories, Tries to Break Up Anti-Illuminati Alliances! | WE in 5D: Relax Your Protesty "I Know Everything" Rants. No One's Worshipping Musk. The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, for Now. That's All.
If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow (Responsibly) and Took Accountability for Their Created-Timeline Via Previous Poor Choices, They Could Take Back Their Earth. Let No One Tell You Owning Your Shadow is Less Than 5D. Proper Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!
Don't Be a Victim of Your Own Cognitive Dissonance! | WE in 5D: Those Self-Assured Click "👍🏽".. Those with Cognitive Dissonance Click "👎🏽" (And This Simpsons Things is JUST ONE Discrepancy I Can Pluck Out).