1 month agoDr Tom Cowan: The NON Existing CV19 'Virus' & 5G Connection Explained for Dummies!KimOsboel
1 month agoDr Tom Cowan: The NON Existing CV19 'Virus' & 5G Connection Explained for Dummies!KimOsboel
11 months agoWim Carrette Godgevlamste Crater Earth Part 59: Wonderwall + Bull and the Obelisk! [13.03.2024]KimOsboel
8 months agoFuck the I.R.S, the DOD & the DOJ. These clowns forgot they work for us.. FUCKING PARASITES! #RESISTrealbillyjones
6 months agoChristine Massey: Corona, Covid-19, Mpox, Bird Flu! 'VIRUSES' Are All Fucking LIESJoshuaGraham
7 months agoDr Andrew Kaufman ft Daniel Roytas: Closing The Chapter of The 'Germ' & 'Virus' Theory!KimOsboel
11 months agoKim Osbøl: WARNING! Are the Satanist Trying To Kill Us 'Softly'? (Ver 2 Reloaded) [08.01.2023]KimOsboel
11 months agoPsyop PRO VIRUS Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice': Kate Middleton Sacrificed to Satan!KimOsboel
5 months agoPedophile Child Rapist Elon Musk Caught Plotting With WEF To Eradicate Sovereignty!JoshuaGraham
5 months agoPedophile Child Rapist Trump Psyops Continue as Ashkenazi Khazarians Blow Up Thousands of People in Cyber Terror AttacksJoshuaGraham