No Longer The Chaser! The Cartoon-esque "Bye Bye Baby" by Madonna (An Homage to Marlene Dietrich in Collaboration with Gene Kelly) | Showcasing a Number Lifted Directly From Her Girlie Show Tour at The 1993 MTV Video Music Awards.
New Moon 🌙 in Pisces 3/10/24 Collective Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) [Preview Only] | The Age of Aquarius: The Age Where Momma Bird Kicks Her Babies Out of the Tree to Impart THE WISDOM of Freedom and Independence!
How Does the Average Baby Starseed and Their Parents Typically Interact? They'll Be Called Know-it-Alls for the Rest of Their Human-Avatar Lives—But They'll Accept the Label Quickly Enough AND OWN IT. | #NikkaPlease #RebelGene