14 US Ships in Middle East, Iran Backs Down, Mockery of Trump Fulfills Daniel 11:21 Confirming Trump Is the Son of Perdition, CERN & I Pet Goat 2, Don Jr. Calls for Elon Musk, Earthquake Rattles L.A., The 3rd Temple, Isaiah 50:10-11
Israel Pummels Hezbollah Terrorists, Spiritual Application of Israel's Current War, US Law Makers Seek To Pass Mass Casualty Amendment, Anons Continue In Their Insane Worship of Trump, Jesus Hates So Many Of You Hypocrites Psalm 5:5, The 144,000
Shabbat Bible Study: Isaiah 42, 43, 1st John 1-3, 1st Timothy 2: The End Times Are Upon Us Yet So Many of You Are Still Entertaining Sin In Your Hearts -- Professing Christians Need To Live Holy & Stop Making Excuses For Sin