April 8th "Nineveh" Solar Eclipse: CERN Firing Up, NASA Launching Rockets Into Moon's Shadow, National Guard and HAZMAT Teams Being Deployed -- What On Earth Is Going On???
April 8th 2024 | NASA to Launch "Serpent Deity" ON April 8th, NASA Means to Beguile, to Deceive In Hebrew, CERN to Test World's Most Powerful Particle Accelerator On April 8th & Billions of Cicidas Emerging & Red Heifers In Israel!!
April 8th 2024 | Are We 7 Days Away from a Nothing-Burger? 47 April 8 Facts: Solar Eclipse, NASA "Serpent Deity" Launch April 8th, NASA (Deceive In Hebrew), CERN Restarts April 8th + April & Nathan + What’s Biblical Manhood?
Culture War | Moms on a Mission Joins His Glory News | The Great American Solar Eclipse | CERN Collides Atoms to Look For God Particle | NASA Launches Rockets into the Eclipse Naming Mission After Egyptian Serpent Deity | Red Heifers Sacrificed in Israel