1. Do you think it has to do with coddling of kids?

    Do you think it has to do with coddling of kids?

  2. Do you think our education system is good enough still to risk your life and migrate to America?

    Do you think our education system is good enough still to risk your life and migrate to America?

  3. What do you think we should prioritize?

    What do you think we should prioritize?

  4. Do you feel immigration is very important?

    Do you feel immigration is very important?

  5. Do you think it's okay for the Texas Governor to make this decision?

    Do you think it's okay for the Texas Governor to make this decision?

  6. What are your thoughts on this?

    What are your thoughts on this?

  7. Did you know Trump doesn't plan on engaging in any debates?

    Did you know Trump doesn't plan on engaging in any debates?

  8. What do you think about this?

    What do you think about this?

  9. What are your thoughts on this topic?

    What are your thoughts on this topic?

  10. Did you know that Texas had it's own electrical grid and it's because they have wanted to secede?

    Did you know that Texas had it's own electrical grid and it's because they have wanted to secede?

  11. What do you think of this? Do you agree?

    What do you think of this? Do you agree?

  12. Do you agree we need to teach women these things? Let's hear your thoughts!

    Do you agree we need to teach women these things? Let's hear your thoughts!

  13. Who's side are you on in this debate?

    Who's side are you on in this debate?

  14. Did you know that most single family homes are owned by corporations?

    Did you know that most single family homes are owned by corporations?

  15. What do you think about this ban on cell phone usage during school?

    What do you think about this ban on cell phone usage during school?

  16. Did you know there was a chicken pox vaccine?

    Did you know there was a chicken pox vaccine?

  17. Do you agree with the saying "boys will be boys"?

    Do you agree with the saying "boys will be boys"?

  18. Have you heard about this?

    Have you heard about this?

  19. Have you heard about this?

    Have you heard about this?

  20. At what point do you think a book or movie should be banned/taken out of schools?

    At what point do you think a book or movie should be banned/taken out of schools?

  21. Do you think if everyone stopped paying taxes for a few days things would change?

    Do you think if everyone stopped paying taxes for a few days things would change?

  22. Would you be impressed? Or do you find it shady?

    Would you be impressed? Or do you find it shady?

  23. Do you think the government should be doing more to help the Maui wildfire victims?

    Do you think the government should be doing more to help the Maui wildfire victims?
