4 months ago‘No Climate Emergency’: Biden's Powers Could Undermine Democracy, Warns Geologist Prof. Ian PlimerRaw Media
2 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: 'Climate Change Religion Is a Con—97% of Emissions Are Natural'Raw Media
2 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: Climate Change Narrative Is 'The Biggest Scientific Con in History'Raw Media
4 months agoGeologist Prof. Ian Plimer: Climate Scare a Tool for Elites to Strip Away Rights and FreedomsRaw Media
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: 'There Is No Climate Emergency—Human CO2 Emissions Don't Drive Warming'Raw Media
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: 'No Climate Emergency—Human CO2 Emissions Don't Drive Global Warming'Raw Media
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer Dismantles the Human-Induced Climate Crisis Myth: 'CO2 Levels Are Historically Low'Raw Media
5 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: 'Human-Induced Global Warming Is a Fraud—Natural Emissions Drive Climate'Raw Media
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: CO2 Levels Were Much Higher in the Past, and We're Dangerously Low NowRaw Media
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: Net Zero Is the New Global Religion Used to Control and Crush FreedomsRaw Media
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: 'We've Been Cooling for 4000 Years—It's All About When You Start Measuring'Raw Media
3 months agoAutor książki „Green Murder [Zielone morderstwo]” Ian Plimer wyjaśnia, co tak naprawdę napędza tak zwany „Zielony” Ruch.WyBudzeni
5 months agoFREEDOM RESEARCH PODCAST. Professor Ian Plimer. A Geologist's Perspective to Climate Scare.Freedom Research
9 months agoGeologist Prof. Ian Plimer totally dispels man-made global warming fairy tale in 2 minutesgalacticstorm
5 months agoGeologist Prof. Ian Plimer: "No one has ever shown that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming…Whatfinger Videos
5 months agoFREEDOM RESEARCH PODCAST. Professor Ian Plimer. A Geologist's Perspective to Climate Scare.joegecko's Documentary ChannelVerified
7 months agoProfessor Ian Plimer demolishes the "man-made global warming" scam, in just over a minute:JustBert42Verified