Entrepreneurship 101 | START HERE | "You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for." - Napoleon Hill + Proverbs 10:4
18+ LGBT Community and Israel’s Sympathizers are Treated Harshly in Syria Today. Westernized Bashar was very tolerant of homos and progressives in general.
NATO’s Biolabs in Former Ukraine Worked on Bioweapon Targeting Scythian DNA (Russian, White Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Chech, Croatian, Serb, Slovaks, Slovenians and many more)
Krainer Swiss Intel: Russia, China, Iran have Made the Decision-Israel to Be Eliminated. There is a Great Deception being Played in Syria. Did Russia, Iran Make a SECRET DEAL on Syria?