1. Give and Do with your whole Heart sermon on the mountain part 9 Matt 6:1-4 Luke 21:1-4& 2 Cor 9:6-15

    Give and Do with your whole Heart sermon on the mountain part 9 Matt 6:1-4 Luke 21:1-4& 2 Cor 9:6-15

  2. bearing good & bad fruit sermon on the Mount part 16 Matthew 7:15-20 Galatians 5:16-26 , John 15:1-7

    bearing good & bad fruit sermon on the Mount part 16 Matthew 7:15-20 Galatians 5:16-26 , John 15:1-7

  3. Athaliah, the Wicked Queen of Judah, Daughter of Jezebel, Tried to Thwart God's Plan, but Failed!

    Athaliah, the Wicked Queen of Judah, Daughter of Jezebel, Tried to Thwart God's Plan, but Failed!

  4. PGBC 9/29/24 Evening Svc w/ Bro. Tony Haywood

    PGBC 9/29/24 Evening Svc w/ Bro. Tony Haywood

  5. a faithful prayer and what happens when you tolerate sin 1 Samuel 1&2 Closing message

    a faithful prayer and what happens when you tolerate sin 1 Samuel 1&2 Closing message

  6. walls of Jericho have you stepped out in faith Joshua 5:13 - 6:27

    walls of Jericho have you stepped out in faith Joshua 5:13 - 6:27

  7. hearing doing seeing & applying sermon on the mount 17 Matthew 7:21-8:1 #theoutlawpreacher

    hearing doing seeing & applying sermon on the mount 17 Matthew 7:21-8:1 #theoutlawpreacher
