11 months agoMEN, WOMEN will NEVER tell you to NOT SPEND MONEY on THEM. Make them EARN ITMenhanceyourgame
9 months agoWOMAN says "I have MONEY, I am INDEPENDENT, I have an MBA. I will PAY for dates"Menhanceyourgame
11 months ago"JENNY from the BLOCK" of cheese says..UGLY MEN need to KNOW theyre UGLYMenhanceyourgame
11 months agoBIG CHILLIN ROOM, music chat topics random etc. streamyard live feel free to join!YeshuathewordofGOD
10 months agoBIG CHILLIN ROOM, music chat topics random etc. streamyard live feel free to join!YeshuathewordofGOD
6 months agoANDREW WILSON DESTROYED DOOMSDAY DESIREE Saying she do sex work and she's tradionalMasculinityrocks