TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
Abraham Hicks—Donald Trump Vs. The Global Elite Illuminati | #2016Flashback | Jesus: "Gentle as a Lamb", AND ALSO "WISE AS A SERPENT AND SHREWD AS A SNAKE!" | Be Real Tho: Even a Master is Not Promised 2024. Ask a Crucified Jesus!
EVEN ROSEANNE KNOWS IT—Preparing for Communications Shutdown/"Cyber Attack"/Black Swan Event! | Chris Hoar on The Roseanne Barr Podcast: Bonus Episode!