6 months agoBREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!Organic Medicine
6 months ago1170 deaths in US following Covid-19 vaccines reported to CDC as of Feb 7, 2021Organic Medicine
4 months agoRoller Derby Atlete can't walk more than 15 Feet after VAXX poison injectionsOrganic Medicine
4 months agoPresident of Australian Medical Association and her "WIFE" Hospitalized by VAXX poison injectionsOrganic Medicine
4 months agoFuneral director John O'Looney of the United Kingdom: “I've never seen so many deaths....”Organic Medicine
5 months agoAutopsy result that finds a causal link between COVID-19 deaths and death from myocarditisOrganic Medicine