The Lights Are On, But Nobody's Home: Out-Of-His-Mind Faux-President Biden Basically Announces Plan To End The World! AND THEN There's Mitch McConnell.. | #HOWto #StopPayingTaxes #EndTheFedForThem #PeopleWhoCantEvenTalkSayTheyreGoingToBombRussia
Mamba (1930 Full Movie) | Pre-Code/Drama | Jean Hersholt, Eleanor Boardman, Ralph Forbes. | Summary: A rich man in an East African settlement foments a rebellion to avoid serving in the British army in World War 1.
Addressing Spiritual and Esoterically-Oriented People Who Consider Abstaining From Voting in The 2024 Election! + Will the Next President Hold the Fate of the World in Their Hands? | Lincoln of "Channel Higher Self"