Casablanca (1942 Full Movie) | Romance/War | Humphrey Bogart Ingrid, Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains, Conrad Veidt, Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre.
DOUBLE FEATURE: I Dream of Jeannie... Fifteen Years Later (1985) + I Still Dream of Jeannie (1991) [Full TV Movies + BONUSES] | Comedy | Barbara Eden, Wayne Rogers, Bill Daily, Hayden Rorke.
Stargate Continuum (2008 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure | Summary: Ba'al travels back in time and erases the Stargate programme from history, leaving the team in an alternate reality which they must navigate to restore the correct timeline.
SIGHTINGS: A CIA 1953 LSD Experiment Goes WRONG, an Update on the Largest Sighting in History, Do Twins Share a Bond That Transcends Death?, Animals & Telepathy, and More! (S3 E19) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Hercules and the Conquest of Atlantis –Or– Hercules and the Captive Women (1961 Full Movie) | Adventure-Fantasy/Sword-and-Sandal | Reg Park, Fay Spain, Ettore Manni, Luciano Marin.
Ascension Vs. Integration: Gods, ETs and the Omniverse — George Kavassilas on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" | WE in 5D: Pretty Much Completely Agree [97%]!!! (Kavassilas Over Salla)