6 months agoMessage from Adama of Telos (Inner Earth, Mt Shasta) 🕉 "Peace, be still and know I AM God." 🕉whitegoldeagle
7 months agoOUR CELESTIAL DANCE (Lionsgate Portal Activation Codes) ~ The High Council of SiriusUniversal Lighthouse
7 months agoExtraterrestrials & Spirituality ~ What is the Connection? ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic CouncilUniversal Lighthouse
6 months agoFROM 3RD, 4TH, to 5TH ~ You Have Come So Far ~ The High Council of SiriusUniversal Lighthouse
3 months agoHow to Initiate YOUR OWN FIRST CONTACT 🕉 The Arcturians 🕉 Connect with your many Celestial Familieswhitegoldeagle
6 months ago*Ascension Update *8/17* Energetic Purification ~ IT HAS BEGUN! ~ The Galactic FederationUniversal Lighthouse
6 months agoMessage to the 144,000 ~ ACTIVATE YOUR MISSIONS ~ The 7 of The One (The Collective of Archangels)Universal Lighthouse