5 months agoWhy Jackson Hinkle Wants to Invade Canada | Digital Social HourDigital Social HourVerified
8 months agoChemtrails, Weather Control Operation ongoing offshore of California, Oregon, Washington, Canada!Real Fishing Life
9 months agoCalling Canada Revenue Agency - Its Amazing What He Admits - They Have No AuthorityHow To Beat The Canada Revenue Agency - Eliminate Income and Corporate TaxVerified
1 month agoCanada Is Doomed - Why Kevin O'Leary is Wrong - Kevin vs KevinKevin J. Johnston and FreedomReport.ca - Canada's Number One PodcasterVerified
11 months agoWHY KEVIN J. JOHNSTON LEFT CANADA - REASON 8Kevin J. Johnston and FreedomReport.ca - Canada's Number One PodcasterVerified
11 months agoWHY KEVIN J. JOHNSTON LEFT CANADA - REASON 1Kevin J. Johnston and FreedomReport.ca - Canada's Number One PodcasterVerified
5 months agoG7 Panic: China Plastics “Overproduction”, Russian Fertilizer Flood, Canada To Punish China EVstailgunnerjimVerified
1 month agoCANADA RUSSIA HOCKEY (full game) 1972 ...... #Hockey's HIDDEN HAND Origin Unmasked!! HOWDIE MICKOSKIffsakes
11 months agoWHY YOU NEED TO LEAVE CANADA NOW FROM CANADA'S NUMBER ONE PODCASTER!Kevin J. Johnston and FreedomReport.ca - Canada's Number One PodcasterVerified
10 months agoMassive convoy of trucks driving in Canada - The freedom truckers are back.galacticstorm
2 months agoEP164: Natural Health Product Security Under Threat: Health Canada's Awful Approach to RegulationTruehopeCanada
9 months agoCANADA land grab; USING the natives to take their land and ours too! Same in the USA!!GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
6 months agoTommy Robinson Arrested in Calgary, Canada After Speaking at Rebel News EventAmerican Patriots for God and CountryVerified