Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia
Northern Kentucky University: A Lively Large Crowd As I Contend With a Witch, Some Atheists, A Few Hypocrites, Some Muslims, But Also Some Very Good Questions, Passed Out Lots Of Tracts, Police Kept Things Orderly, A Great Day Of Preaching Jesus!
Strasburg Railroad: I Ride A Restored Steam Locomotive For 3rd Day of Sukkot, Holy Spirit Has Me Give A Teaching While Enjoying the Train, Divine Appointments, The Golden Age of Steam Locomotives In A Bygone Era
Day 6 Sukkot: Glimpses of Joy and Sunrises, Amish 4 Horses, Landis Family Farm: A Revelation of The Philadelphian Church Age, Interior of Daniel Theater, Walk-Thru Of Clock Museum, Reflections on the Trump Snare, Time Is Running Out, Judgment Is Coming
Ephrata Cloister: Prophetic Holy Spirit Revelations and Warnings: If You Obey The Truth You Also Must Be Drenched In The Holy Spirit Or It Will Lead To Disaster -- The Sabbath Keeping Colony In 1700's Pennsylvania
Stony Brook Univ: In A Stunning Twist, 100 Students Gather In Sobriety, Raising Hands, Asking Over 50 Very Good Questions, Then Hecklers Return & Crowd Explodes w/ Rage, Police Advise Me To Leave, Christian Students Emboldened To Confront The Darkness
Univ of Massachusetts Amherst: Hard To Draw A Crowd At First, Then A Few Christians Approach Me, Soon Some Curious Sinners Pepper Me W/ Questions, Crowd Grows To 50 Students, Student Raise Hands, Remain Calm, A Wonderful Day Of Passover Preaching!
Satan's 5 I Wills Isaiah 14 & Trump's 5 I Wills, Obama Delaying Harris Endorsement Explained In I Pet Goat 2, Rabbi Schneerson Said Netanyahu Will Hand Scepter To Messiah-Ben-David, The Many False Prophecies of Kim Clement
West Virginia Univ: Thousands of Students 1st Day of Classes, Female Agnostics Have Great Questions, As I Read Isaiah 53 to Jewish Table w/ Jews a Black Student Cusses Me Out -- Helps Draw Crowd, Lesbians Mock, Sincere Christians Encourage Me, Lively Day!
Penn State: 2 hour 30 second mark Bro Jeff and Professor Jon Aid Me In Drawing A Crowd of 40 Students, Hypocrite Defends His Sin Which Causes Crowd to Grow, Anointing Pours Out from Bro Jeff and Professor Jon, I Reprove Jews Over Their Talmud Toward End
Spectacular Large & Calm Crowd, Atheist Asks Excellent Questions, Retired Judge and Current Female Professor Gets In My Face, I Rebuke Professor And She Scurries Away, Mini Prophecy Preach On Trump Being The Son of Perdition, Attentive Students!
Lost Lake Cave Boat Tour: Prophetic Pictures For The End Times: The Rushing River of the Holy Spirit Sweeping Away Wicked Hearts To Bring Forth A Pure Bride
Eastern Kentucky University: One of THE BEST DAYS I've Ever Had On Campus, Very Civil Crowd, Great Questions, Most Hecklers Very Respectful, Handed Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, One Jezebel At The End Needed A Firm Rebuke But Other Than That Great Day!
14 US Ships in Middle East, Iran Backs Down, Mockery of Trump Fulfills Daniel 11:21 Confirming Trump Is the Son of Perdition, CERN & I Pet Goat 2, Don Jr. Calls for Elon Musk, Earthquake Rattles L.A., The 3rd Temple, Isaiah 50:10-11
Univ of Maryland: Major Spiritual Breakthrough, Contend w/ Two Different Christians Who Excuse Sin & It Helps Me Draw A Crowd of About 22-25 Students, Then Orthodox Jew Asks About Ezekiel Temple, I Preach On How Jesus Is In All 7 Lev 23 Feast Days!