Aerospace Historian, Michael Schratt Lays Out UFO Crash Retrievals Throughout History IN DETAIL (1/16/24) [FLASHBACK] 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT | WE in 5D: It's THESE Types of Interviews Which Make Kerry Cassidy a Legend, NOT Her "Q" Trippin!
Revelation | "The Real War Is Not Trump & Biden, the Real War Is Not Left & Right. Ephesians Says, We Wrestle Not w/ Fresh & Blood, But w/ Principalities & Powers of Spiritual Darkness of This Earth." - John Rich (7/16/24)
Amightywind Prophecy 74 - I, YAHUVEH, have declared War on Planet Earth from Heaven! The UNDERWORLD Will Even Be Doomed, Watery Graves. Reprobates, reptilians, evil Won't ESCAPE
mPOX | W.H.O. Declares Mpox a Global Health Emergency, Gold Hits $2,500 Per Ounce & 159 Countries (81.5% of Earth) Set to Adopt BRICS New Payment System + Why Won't Sorchini Offer Free Monkey Pox Exams?