Dumb it Down to 3D! If the Term "God-Given Rights" Loses it's Tangibility (Side Note: Then Your Personal Spirituality is Doing You a Disservice) LET'S MAKE IT TANGIBLE via an Atheist Perspective. In Short: YOU MUST ASSERT YOUR RIGHTS.
If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow (Responsibly) and Took Accountability for Their Created-Timeline Via Previous Poor Choices, They Could Take Back Their Earth. Let No One Tell You Owning Your Shadow is Less Than 5D. Proper Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!
General Blaine Holt: A Military AND Spiritual Perspective on This Worldwide Awakening! — Jean Noland, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: Let's be Clear—What are World War, Cyber Attacks, and New Pandemics/Vaccine Mandates About? #CancelThe2024Election!
CRITICAL INTEL (REAL–Not the Kerry Cassidy Stuff): Fed Provocateurs IDENTIFIED at Texas Border! | WE in 5D: Let's be Clear—What are World War, Race Wars, Future Cyber Attacks, and Future Pandemics/Vaccine Mandates About? #CancelThe2024Election!