A confused Biden is instructed where to stand and forced to wait while being ignored by Democrats Walz, Klobuchar, Smith, and Baldwin having their photo op: "Oh, he's waiting for, hahaha!"
This is terrifying: 13,000 migrants convicted of murder have been caught at the border and released into the United States! Thank you, Kamala. Congratulations, Democrats!
Democrats avoiding the press: "Your response to allegation of stolen valor?" Vance joined the Marines at 18 and went on to serve in Iraq. Walz abandoned his battalion before they deployed to Iraq, then lied about being in combat.
Mental Institution, that's how Democrats do it: Kamala scares people to death telling them that her opponent is going to end their democracy, then she hugs them chanting "we're gonna be fine, we're all in this together..."
You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe: "We've run a campaign that's basically scandal free. That's hard to do in American politics." Cackling Kamala cackles.