Rudy Giuliani | Gold Price Hits All-Time High Again!!! | "Central Banks In 2022-23 Bought Something Like 50% More Gold Than They Had Bought In Any of the Previous 10 Years." - Clive Thompson (4/9/24) + Mayor Giuliani Joins Tour
DeDollarization | "Gold Is Going Higher Because Governments Are Buying It. There Is a Rush Into Gold Because of the Dedollarization of the World." - Neumeyer + Bannon, Trump, Putin, Kiyosaki, Werner, Griffin, Tucker, Smith, Etc.
Final Countdown | Is This the Final Countdown to the Dollar Collapse? Bo Polny, Pastor Scarlett & Sorchini + Saudi Arabia Ends Petrodollar: "Russians Said Its Currency Is Going to Be Gold Backed." - Bannon + $27,000 Gold?