Yuval Noah Harari | "For Alot of People, Chat GPT Becomes Like the Bible. Whatever They Want to Know, They Just Ask AI & Whatever the AI Says They Just Believe." + "AI Can Even Write a New Bible." - Yuval Noah Harari
John Rich | "Read What the Bible Has Says About It, & If They Are Opposed to It, Then They Are Wrong & They Are Basically Against the Ultimate Truth (The Bible)." + Neuralink, Peter Thiel, Human-A.I. Symbiosis, Musk & Rev 17:13
Yuval Noah Harari | Alex Jones & Patrick Bet-David Call Out Harari, "They Are Not Athiest, They Are Transhumanists That Believe They Are Going to Be God. Whether It's Klaus Schwab, Or Bill Gates Or Yuval Noah Harari." - 6/16/24