26 days agoSee, Know, Consider, and Understand the Holy One of Israel - Isaiah 41 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
24 days agoUnbelievers are Losers - Matthew 13c (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
3 months agoAccording to our works - Guest Ptr. Jun Dioquino (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
1 month agoSold all that he had, and bought it - Matthew 13b (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
19 days ago"Till He have Set Judgment in the Earth" - Isaiah 42 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
19 days agoTell it to thy son... that ye may know how that I am the Lord. - Exodus 10 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
10 months agoSoulwinning Marathons in Maine New Orleans and Albuquerque sanderson1611 Channel Revival 2017kjvthomas
1 month agoComfort One Another With These Words (Rapture Sunday Service) - 10/6/24 AMgivemelibertybaptist
3 months agoThat they were in Evil Case (The Persecution of the Believers) - Exodus 5 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
5 months agoMore Severe Punishment - Matthew 11d (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
1 month agoExcellent Name of the Lord in All the Earth - Psalms 8 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
3 months agoTrust in the Lord, Not on Mere Numbers - Isaiah 31(Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
3 months ago"In Well Doing" - Part 1 (Doing the Right things Properly) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
3 months ago"In Well Doing" - Part 2 (Doing the Right things Properly) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church
2 months agoBehold my mother and my brethren! - Matthew 12f (Baptist Preaching - Ph)Discerning Word Baptist Church