SIGHTINGS: A Psychic SHOCKS Police as Her Visions Leads Them to the Body of a Slain Child, an Update on the "Curse of Princess Diana", and More! (S2 E11) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Meat | "By Shifting to Healthier And More Plant-Based Diets, We Could Save 8 Million Lives Per Year. " - Tedros (W.H.O.) | "Meat Is One of the Biggest Sources of Pollution Around the World." - Yuval Noah Harari + 1st Timothy Chapter 4
We're Witnessing A Coverup By People Who Knowingly Planned and Committed Democide/ Genocide. One human murder is wrong, what form of justice matches taking the lives of 20 million plus human kids, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, best friend, etc