1. Bouncy castle terror: Kids seriously injured after freak wind gust takes inflatable into the air - TomoNews

    Bouncy castle terror: Kids seriously injured after freak wind gust takes inflatable into the air - TomoNews

  2. The 'good Doctors' Don't Want To Talk About Emerging Technologies Like CRISPR, Optogenetics & Nano Molecular Communications Systems But Our Government's Are Currently Creating Policy For It!

    The 'good Doctors' Don't Want To Talk About Emerging Technologies Like CRISPR, Optogenetics & Nano Molecular Communications Systems But Our Government's Are Currently Creating Policy For It!

  3. KFC secret recipe revealed: Worms found in chicken wings from Guangzhou restaurant - TomoNews

    KFC secret recipe revealed: Worms found in chicken wings from Guangzhou restaurant - TomoNews

  4. Little girl amputee makes friends with three-legged kitten - TomoNews

    Little girl amputee makes friends with three-legged kitten - TomoNews

  5. Crying dog breaks the internet’s heart — but this sad dog story has a happy ending - TomoNews

    Crying dog breaks the internet’s heart — but this sad dog story has a happy ending - TomoNews

  6. Chinese tourists clear out fruit plate at Vietnam hotel in seconds - TomoNews

    Chinese tourists clear out fruit plate at Vietnam hotel in seconds - TomoNews

  7. Amazon patents mobile drone delivery fulfillment centers from moving trains - TomoNews

    Amazon patents mobile drone delivery fulfillment centers from moving trains - TomoNews

  8. Hot Dutch cop picture goes viral (again): Sexy police officer photo from the Netherlands

    Hot Dutch cop picture goes viral (again): Sexy police officer photo from the Netherlands
