1. How Long Does it Take for BIPAP to Lower Carbon Dioxide/CO2? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    How Long Does it Take for BIPAP to Lower Carbon Dioxide/CO2? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  2. My Husband's Back in ICU with a Fever and Infection,Was it Safe to Take Him Home with a Tracheostomy

    My Husband's Back in ICU with a Fever and Infection,Was it Safe to Take Him Home with a Tracheostomy

  3. The UK NHS Wants to Withdraw Life Support on My 46-Year-Old Brother Without Family Consent! Help!

    The UK NHS Wants to Withdraw Life Support on My 46-Year-Old Brother Without Family Consent! Help!

  4. My 32-Year-Old Son’s with TBI, Midline Shift, Craniectomy, CSF Leak, 45 Days, How Long to Wake Up?

    My 32-Year-Old Son’s with TBI, Midline Shift, Craniectomy, CSF Leak, 45 Days, How Long to Wake Up?

  5. I was Told My 50-Year-Old Husband in ICU is Brain Dead & He will Die, Now He's Walking and Talking!

    I was Told My 50-Year-Old Husband in ICU is Brain Dead & He will Die, Now He's Walking and Talking!

  6. My Grandfather has Septicemia in ICU Ventilated& in Induced Coma, What are His Chances for Survival?

    My Grandfather has Septicemia in ICU Ventilated& in Induced Coma, What are His Chances for Survival?

  7. Should You Go Into Family Meetings With Intensive Care Teams When You Have a Loved One in ICU?

    Should You Go Into Family Meetings With Intensive Care Teams When You Have a Loved One in ICU?

  8. Another intensivecarehotline.com Success Story: How to Keep Your Ventilated Loved One Out of LTAC!

    Another intensivecarehotline.com Success Story: How to Keep Your Ventilated Loved One Out of LTAC!

  9. Why You Need to Avoid Your Critically Ill Loved One Going from ICU to LTAC at All Cost!

    Why You Need to Avoid Your Critically Ill Loved One Going from ICU to LTAC at All Cost!

  10. Husband in ICU with Trache & Ventilation, Refused PEG Tube to Avoid LTAC, Is this a Good Decision?

    Husband in ICU with Trache & Ventilation, Refused PEG Tube to Avoid LTAC, Is this a Good Decision?

  11. INTENSIVE CARE HOTLINE Podcast: ICU Deliberately Killed My Dad by Prematurely Removing Tracheostomy!

    INTENSIVE CARE HOTLINE Podcast: ICU Deliberately Killed My Dad by Prematurely Removing Tracheostomy!

  12. Can You Tell Me if My Ventilated Child in ICU with a Tracheostomy is Breathing Spontaneously or Not?

    Can You Tell Me if My Ventilated Child in ICU with a Tracheostomy is Breathing Spontaneously or Not?

  13. My Dad Deteriorated Fast After Going to the Ward from ICU with Pneumonia, COPD, Heart&Kidney Failure

    My Dad Deteriorated Fast After Going to the Ward from ICU with Pneumonia, COPD, Heart&Kidney Failure

  14. Interview with Intensive Care at Home Specialist NDIS Support Coordinator Jessica Dale

    Interview with Intensive Care at Home Specialist NDIS Support Coordinator Jessica Dale

  15. What You Need to Do If Your Loved One in ICU is Brain Dead or is Considered for Organ Donation

    What You Need to Do If Your Loved One in ICU is Brain Dead or is Considered for Organ Donation

  16. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mum Home from ICU On BIPAP,High Flow Nasal O2 &Nasojejunal Feeds?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mum Home from ICU On BIPAP,High Flow Nasal O2 &Nasojejunal Feeds?

  17. My Uncle's in Multi-organ Failure &3 Weeks in ICU! He’s Ventilated, Trache, Dialysis& Not Waking Up!

    My Uncle's in Multi-organ Failure &3 Weeks in ICU! He’s Ventilated, Trache, Dialysis& Not Waking Up!

  18. My Dad’s in ICU Ventilated with COPD & Emphysema! Is Having a Tracheostomy and Going Home an Option?

    My Dad’s in ICU Ventilated with COPD & Emphysema! Is Having a Tracheostomy and Going Home an Option?

  19. ICU Told Me My Mom had All Odds Against Her with COPD,ARDS,COVID, Vasopressors & ECMO, She Survived!

    ICU Told Me My Mom had All Odds Against Her with COPD,ARDS,COVID, Vasopressors & ECMO, She Survived!

  20. 32-Year-Old Son’s In ICU With Pneumonia,Sepsis,MOF For 7 Days&ICU Team Says He’s Going To Die! Help!

    32-Year-Old Son’s In ICU With Pneumonia,Sepsis,MOF For 7 Days&ICU Team Says He’s Going To Die! Help!

  21. Should My Mother have a Tracheostomy After 2 Weeks on a Breathing Tube After PE?

    Should My Mother have a Tracheostomy After 2 Weeks on a Breathing Tube After PE?

  22. Another Testimonial from a Very Happy Client! Thank You for Helping My Mom to Get out of ICU Alive!

    Another Testimonial from a Very Happy Client! Thank You for Helping My Mom to Get out of ICU Alive!

  23. ICU Won’t Let My Dad Wake Up, He can Breathe for Himself But Won't Take Him Off Ventilator &Sedation

    ICU Won’t Let My Dad Wake Up, He can Breathe for Himself But Won't Take Him Off Ventilator &Sedation

  24. My Sister's in ICU After Car Accident With Jaw, Leg,Sternum&T6 Spine Fracture, When Can She Wake Up?

    My Sister's in ICU After Car Accident With Jaw, Leg,Sternum&T6 Spine Fracture, When Can She Wake Up?
