1. If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow (Responsibly) and Took Accountability for Their Created-Timeline Via Previous Poor Choices, They Could Take Back Their Earth. Let No One Tell You Owning Your Shadow is Less Than 5D. Proper Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!

    If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow (Responsibly) and Took Accountability for Their Created-Timeline Via Previous Poor Choices, They Could Take Back Their Earth. Let No One Tell You Owning Your Shadow is Less Than 5D. Proper Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!

  2. President Trump's Infamous "Bloodbath" Rally in Dayton, OH (3/17/24) — Missed it? Watch it Here! | WE in 5D: Note at The End News Max Has to Announce That the 2020 Election WAS Real and Official—You KNOW Who THEIR Bosses ✡卐𐕣 Are!

    President Trump's Infamous "Bloodbath" Rally in Dayton, OH (3/17/24) — Missed it? Watch it Here! | WE in 5D: Note at The End News Max Has to Announce That the 2020 Election WAS Real and Official—You KNOW Who THEIR Bosses ✡卐𐕣 Are!

  3. Tucker Carlson and Chris Cuomo Debate: Trump, Abortion, and Covid! | WE in 5D: Chris Cuomo in This Interview—The DEFINITION of Compassion Weaponized Against You! The Very SAME Thing Weaponized Against You in a "Soul Trap".

    Tucker Carlson and Chris Cuomo Debate: Trump, Abortion, and Covid! | WE in 5D: Chris Cuomo in This Interview—The DEFINITION of Compassion Weaponized Against You! The Very SAME Thing Weaponized Against You in a "Soul Trap".

  4. The World is a Circus Right Now! — Phil Good | WE in 5D: Be Yourself and Begin to Set Up Healthy and STRONG Boundaries!

    The World is a Circus Right Now! — Phil Good | WE in 5D: Be Yourself and Begin to Set Up Healthy and STRONG Boundaries!

  5. Democrat Party Publicist's Article: "IF TRUMP WINS........." | WE in 5D: No, You Won’t Do That. OTHERWISE, JUST WATCH US! #FuckAroundAndFindOut

    Democrat Party Publicist's Article: "IF TRUMP WINS........." | WE in 5D: No, You Won’t Do That. OTHERWISE, JUST WATCH US! #FuckAroundAndFindOut

  6. 2024 and Beyond, Fear and The Fearful Negative Thinkers, The Unproductive, and Friendships & Associates to Help Each Other Move into the 5D—Or Not! | NOTE: Negative Thinkers are Often Liars-To-Self Proclaiming Positive Thought, But are Only Coping.

    2024 and Beyond, Fear and The Fearful Negative Thinkers, The Unproductive, and Friendships & Associates to Help Each Other Move into the 5D—Or Not! | NOTE: Negative Thinkers are Often Liars-To-Self Proclaiming Positive Thought, But are Only Coping.

  7. You're About to Become the REAL You, BUUUTTT..... 5D is —NOT— Coming! You’re Coming, and When You Arrive You’ll Have Realized You Brought 5D with You Because You Created it. | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.

    You're About to Become the REAL You, BUUUTTT..... 5D is —NOT— Coming! You’re Coming, and When You Arrive You’ll Have Realized You Brought 5D with You Because You Created it. | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.

  8. SHOCK VIDEO: Homeowner Gets ARRESTED.. Instead of the Squatters! | WE in 5D: Florida Friend—"If I Was a NY Homeowner You Mean I Couldn't Shoot Them?" Me—"Rememberrr.. Blue Lives Matterrr! THEY'RE JUST DOING THEIR JOB 卐”

    SHOCK VIDEO: Homeowner Gets ARRESTED.. Instead of the Squatters! | WE in 5D: Florida Friend—"If I Was a NY Homeowner You Mean I Couldn't Shoot Them?" Me—"Rememberrr.. Blue Lives Matterrr! THEY'RE JUST DOING THEIR JOB 卐”

  9. ILLEGAL Immigrants Have GUN-Rights Protected by 2nd Amendment, Judge Rules! | WE in 5D: The Illuminati are Going to Make This Quite a War for You...

    ILLEGAL Immigrants Have GUN-Rights Protected by 2nd Amendment, Judge Rules! | WE in 5D: The Illuminati are Going to Make This Quite a War for You...

  10. Official TLS Update — With Jason Shurka and "Ray" (8/13/23) | WE in 5D: Of All Interviews with “Ray” I Never Agreed with Him More Than in This One!

    Official TLS Update — With Jason Shurka and "Ray" (8/13/23) | WE in 5D: Of All Interviews with “Ray” I Never Agreed with Him More Than in This One!

  11. New Moon 🌙 in Cancer 7/5/24 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) [𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘]

    New Moon 🌙 in Cancer 7/5/24 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) [𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘]

  12. Tucker: Donald Trump’s Life Could be in Imminent Danger. | WE in 5D: This is Not Speaking Tragedy into Existence; This is a Chance to Reroute Your Vibration to Manifest the Events You Want, NOT THE EVENTS THAT YOU'RE [NEEDY OF] AND LACKING.

    Tucker: Donald Trump’s Life Could be in Imminent Danger. | WE in 5D: This is Not Speaking Tragedy into Existence; This is a Chance to Reroute Your Vibration to Manifest the Events You Want, NOT THE EVENTS THAT YOU'RE [NEEDY OF] AND LACKING.

  13. Will Nibiru (AKA Planet X) Return? — Hosted by Peter Laws for Billy Carson's 4bidden Knowledge Network | WE in 5D: Note the [Date-Peddler] Exposed in This Video Whose Story Unraveled, Not Unlike 2024 with the Q-Crew's Unraveling Narrative!

    Will Nibiru (AKA Planet X) Return? — Hosted by Peter Laws for Billy Carson's 4bidden Knowledge Network | WE in 5D: Note the [Date-Peddler] Exposed in This Video Whose Story Unraveled, Not Unlike 2024 with the Q-Crew's Unraveling Narrative!

  14. What Really is Enlightenment? — Bryan Mac Garry | WE in 5D: So Much of it REALLY is This Simple.

    What Really is Enlightenment? — Bryan Mac Garry | WE in 5D: So Much of it REALLY is This Simple.

  15. Millions Give Up Their Right to a Fair Trial These Days! — RFK Jr. | WE in 5D: Thanks for the Clarification Robert!... :::Whisper::: He Didn't Seem to Have a Solution ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Obviously, Don't Sign NDA's, and System-Disconnect!

    Millions Give Up Their Right to a Fair Trial These Days! — RFK Jr. | WE in 5D: Thanks for the Clarification Robert!... :::Whisper::: He Didn't Seem to Have a Solution ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Obviously, Don't Sign NDA's, and System-Disconnect!

  16. INSIDE THE PENTAGON: Secretary of Defense Personnel, “Why Not Just Have Open Borders?” — James O'Keefe | WE in 5D: He Makes a Faaabulous Fake Gay – LMFAO!

    INSIDE THE PENTAGON: Secretary of Defense Personnel, “Why Not Just Have Open Borders?” — James O'Keefe | WE in 5D: He Makes a Faaabulous Fake Gay – LMFAO!

  17. "Stop PAYING Your Taxes!" — Anthony Hudson on Redacted News | WE in 5D: As I Predicted! Or Rather Not Quite Yet. Consider the Following the Full Prediction—This is Just a Toe in Cold Water, and a REALLY Well Organized Event(s) is to Come!

    "Stop PAYING Your Taxes!" — Anthony Hudson on Redacted News | WE in 5D: As I Predicted! Or Rather Not Quite Yet. Consider the Following the Full Prediction—This is Just a Toe in Cold Water, and a REALLY Well Organized Event(s) is to Come!

  18. RFK Jr. Announces VP Pick (1:16:00) | WE in 5D: Not Only is His Choice UNDERWHELMING, But RFK Jr. Has Named Democrat Donor and Google Co-Founder, Sergey Brin’s Ex-Wife, Nicole Shanahan as His VP. Helping Trump? It's Working!

    RFK Jr. Announces VP Pick (1:16:00) | WE in 5D: Not Only is His Choice UNDERWHELMING, But RFK Jr. Has Named Democrat Donor and Google Co-Founder, Sergey Brin’s Ex-Wife, Nicole Shanahan as His VP. Helping Trump? It's Working!

  19. BREAKING: WW3 Begins? Massive Terror Attack in Moscow Shopping Mall! | WE in 5D: Get it Together, Whatever Your Personal Method. Power Can Go Off at ANYTIME. Note, You’re Safe From Nuclear Disaster as ET’s Won’t Allow it. Beyond That—ON YOUR OWN!

    BREAKING: WW3 Begins? Massive Terror Attack in Moscow Shopping Mall! | WE in 5D: Get it Together, Whatever Your Personal Method. Power Can Go Off at ANYTIME. Note, You’re Safe From Nuclear Disaster as ET’s Won’t Allow it. Beyond That—ON YOUR OWN!

  20. WE in 5D’s Conversations with Psychic and Channeler, Kerry Henwood (2010 Interview + On-Screen Channeling) | #VintageWEin5D #2010 #BeenAtThisALongTime — A L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE

    WE in 5D’s Conversations with Psychic and Channeler, Kerry Henwood (2010 Interview + On-Screen Channeling) | #VintageWEin5D #2010 #BeenAtThisALongTime — A L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE

  21. Jean Noland Perspective on the Oct. 4th 2023 EBS/EAS: STOP THE FEAR! | We in 5D: I COMPLETELY AGREE, But You Can Also STOP Nonsensically Projecting This is a Q Operation—Cut it Out!

    Jean Noland Perspective on the Oct. 4th 2023 EBS/EAS: STOP THE FEAR! | We in 5D: I COMPLETELY AGREE, But You Can Also STOP Nonsensically Projecting This is a Q Operation—Cut it Out!

  22. Here's What I'm Finally Doing (Frankly, I'm LATE to the Game!) and if You Do it Too You Can Help Me While You're Helping You... | WE in 5D

    Here's What I'm Finally Doing (Frankly, I'm LATE to the Game!) and if You Do it Too You Can Help Me While You're Helping You... | WE in 5D

  23. There IS No Q, No Jesus, No “Plan”—I DIDN’T SAY THERE’S NO WAY TO 5D—But You Better Have YOUR PLAN Together, and if You Can’t or Refuse to Believe in Yourself the Fate Set Upon You Will Deliver a Poor Destiny! | Jean Noland of ‘Inspired’

    There IS No Q, No Jesus, No “Plan”—I DIDN’T SAY THERE’S NO WAY TO 5D—But You Better Have YOUR PLAN Together, and if You Can’t or Refuse to Believe in Yourself the Fate Set Upon You Will Deliver a Poor Destiny! | Jean Noland of ‘Inspired’
