Battle of the Worlds (1961 Full Movie) | Summary: A runaway asteroid dubbed "The Outsider" mysteriously begins orbiting the Earth and threatens it with lethal flying saucers.
Alien Trespass (2009 Full Movie) [A Comedy That Mocks Sci-Fi B Films of the 1950's] | Dir.: R.W. Goodwin; Cast: Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick.
Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957 Full Movie) | Summary: Diminutive aliens run into teenage opposition when their invasion plans land them in a rural lovers' lane.
QUADRUPLE FEATURE: WOTW (Full Movies) | 2005 (Remake) + 2008 (Unofficial Part 2 By Those Who Created the 2005 Remake) + 2021 (Yet Another Remake/Rendition) + 1953 (THE ORIGINAL) [Begins @ 4:16:20]