1. Mastering the Linux Terminal: A Beginner's Guide to Command Line Interface (CLI)

    Mastering the Linux Terminal: A Beginner's Guide to Command Line Interface (CLI)

  2. 189_how to "run an executable file" with the "bash" command

    189_how to "run an executable file" with the "bash" command

  3. How to check your partition table from the Linux Terminal

    How to check your partition table from the Linux Terminal

  4. Behind the scenes: with the mv command in linux

    Behind the scenes: with the mv command in linux

  5. 233_what is the cowsay command?

    233_what is the cowsay command?

  6. 131_how to "append a text file from the terminal" with the "echo" command.mp4

    131_how to "append a text file from the terminal" with the "echo" command.mp4

  7. 114_what is the difference between the cd, cd -, and the pushd and popd commands?

    114_what is the difference between the cd, cd -, and the pushd and popd commands?

  8. 130_how to "display the text of two text files at the same time" with the "cat" command

    130_how to "display the text of two text files at the same time" with the "cat" command

  9. 288_why does linux use the uuid system?

    288_why does linux use the uuid system?

  10. 243_difference between a command, a program, and a command line argument?

    243_difference between a command, a program, and a command line argument?

  11. 142_how to "become root" with the "sudo -s" command

    142_how to "become root" with the "sudo -s" command

  12. 291_how to "see more detailed information about your kernel" with the "uname" command

    291_how to "see more detailed information about your kernel" with the "uname" command

  13. 290_how to "see the uuid of your hard drives" with the "blkid" command

    290_how to "see the uuid of your hard drives" with the "blkid" command

  14. 289_how to "see more detailed information about your hard disks" with the "fdisk" command

    289_how to "see more detailed information about your hard disks" with the "fdisk" command

  15. 292_how to "get bash to display a calendar" with the "cal" command

    292_how to "get bash to display a calendar" with the "cal" command

  16. 296_how to "schedule a shutdown" with the "shutdown" command

    296_how to "schedule a shutdown" with the "shutdown" command

  17. 295_how to "initiate a reboot" with the "shutdown" command

    295_how to "initiate a reboot" with the "shutdown" command

  18. 294_how to "reboot your computer" with the "reboot" command

    294_how to "reboot your computer" with the "reboot" command

  19. 293_how to "create a defragementation report" with the "e4defrag" command

    293_how to "create a defragementation report" with the "e4defrag" command

  20. 141_how to "copy a specific file type to the home directory" with the "cp" command

    141_how to "copy a specific file type to the home directory" with the "cp" command

  21. 143_how to "exit out of root" with the "exit" command

    143_how to "exit out of root" with the "exit" command

  22. 285_what is "user" in the "top" command?

    285_what is "user" in the "top" command?

  23. 284_what does "uptime" mean in the "top" command?

    284_what does "uptime" mean in the "top" command?
