6 months agomRNA vaccine development against human avian influenza (H5N1) / Bird FluFree Your Mind Videos
1 month ago"Here We Go Again" Severe 'H5N1' 'Bird Flu' Cases Of 'Avian Influenza' In The U.S. ConfirmedAndreCorbeil
1 month ago'California' Confirms It's 1st Severe Human Case Of 'H5N1 Bird Flu' 'WION' News 'H5N1' ReportAndreCorbeil
1 month agoHere We Go Again Severe 'H5N1' 'Bird Flu' Cases Of 'Avian Influenza' In The U.S. Confirmedlaltuna
8 months agoChile - MINSAL evita revelar causa de muertes por vacunas para crear alarma de Influenza y vacunar +INFODEMIA
2 months ago"They cloned the deadly parts of the pandemic strain of [1917] Influenza A.B-N-F-A-T-WVerified
3 months agoNOTIZIE DAL MONDO Allarme influenza aviaria in Austria.Le autorità austriache in allerta dopo che nuovi casi di influenza aviaria sono stati registrati in aziende con oltre 200mila animali.Vietata l'alimentazione all'aperto controlli nel PaeseMERDALIA💩LA REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE E DEGLI IDIOTI
7 months ago澤連科, 伊維菌素, 羥氯喹, 鋅, 新冠, 流感, 病毒, Zelenko, Ivermectin, HydroxyChloroquine, Zinc, Covid19, Influenza, VirusHkGreatAwakening
1 month agoFake Bird Flu Global Agenda, Bogus PCR Tests Used to Justify Animal Slaughter & TyrannyTheWarAgainstYou
1 month agoBird Flu and PCR Tests: The Poultry Slaughter Crisis, Overlooked Cereal Crop Spray Controversy - UKCUK Column Extracts