1. Banking Collapse | "The Banks Are Being Collapsed. A Time Is Coming When People Are Expecting All Sorts of Promises to Be Kept And We Are Going to Have to Not Keep Them. The Going Direct Reset Is the Great Reset." - Catherine Austin Fitts

    Banking Collapse | "The Banks Are Being Collapsed. A Time Is Coming When People Are Expecting All Sorts of Promises to Be Kept And We Are Going to Have to Not Keep Them. The Going Direct Reset Is the Great Reset." - Catherine Austin Fitts

  2. Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | "BRICS countries accounted for only 16% of the world economy in 1992, but now their share is greater than the G7. This is due to the trend of global development and world economy. This is inevitable. This wil

    Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | "BRICS countries accounted for only 16% of the world economy in 1992, but now their share is greater than the G7. This is due to the trend of global development and world economy. This is inevitable. This wil
