1. 12-09-09 AIG Insurance com., Seg 6 (2.45, ) m

    12-09-09 AIG Insurance com., Seg 6 (2.45, ) m

  2. 11-19-09 HEALTH CARE, FAILING GRADE, Seg 6 (2.47, must see) m

    11-19-09 HEALTH CARE, FAILING GRADE, Seg 6 (2.47, must see) m

  3. 10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 5 (3.45, ) m

    10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 5 (3.45, ) m

  4. 12-09-09 We need to Audit the Fed. Reserve, Seg 7 (2.50,) m

    12-09-09 We need to Audit the Fed. Reserve, Seg 7 (2.50,) m

  5. 10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 6 (1.15, ) m

    10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 6 (1.15, ) m

  6. 10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 6 (1.15, ) m

    10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 6 (1.15, ) m

  7. 10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 5 (3.45,) m

    10-30-09 LORD MONCKTON on WORLD GOV. Seg 5 (3.45,) m
