1. Paul Danos Performance Critiqued in New Roaring Kitty Movie

    Paul Danos Performance Critiqued in New Roaring Kitty Movie

  2. Big banks lost $262B in deposits Will they stop making high risk loans to entities shorting AMC?

    Big banks lost $262B in deposits Will they stop making high risk loans to entities shorting AMC?

  3. Are banks that are down $600 Billion willing to continue high risk loans to AMC Shorters? Maybe Not

    Are banks that are down $600 Billion willing to continue high risk loans to AMC Shorters? Maybe Not

  4. Jhuth bol kr acha Banna gme nhi aata

    Jhuth bol kr acha Banna gme nhi aata

  5. My Account down 5% on the week all my covered calls expired out the money for second week AMC MOASS

    My Account down 5% on the week all my covered calls expired out the money for second week AMC MOASS

  6. 3 separate firms have downgraded the price of Bank of America Are high risk AMC loans over?

    3 separate firms have downgraded the price of Bank of America Are high risk AMC loans over?

  7. SEC charges 5 companies and 6 individuals only $66K to 200K for years of reporting violations

    SEC charges 5 companies and 6 individuals only $66K to 200K for years of reporting violations

  8. 401K hardship withdrawals up 36% Will all these liquidity issues force hedgies to close AMC shorts?

    401K hardship withdrawals up 36% Will all these liquidity issues force hedgies to close AMC shorts?

  9. Walmart about to do the unthinkable Will it hurt hedgies shorting AMC? Will it force margin calls?

    Walmart about to do the unthinkable Will it hurt hedgies shorting AMC? Will it force margin calls?

  10. McCarthy ousted as speaker of house Will this instability keep markets red and force AMC to moon?

    McCarthy ousted as speaker of house Will this instability keep markets red and force AMC to moon?

  11. Is the market red today because the AMC naked Shorters are being margin called? Forced liquidations?

    Is the market red today because the AMC naked Shorters are being margin called? Forced liquidations?

  12. JPMorgan Chase claim their up 35% Wells Fargo claims their up 61% Do you trust these numbers?

    JPMorgan Chase claim their up 35% Wells Fargo claims their up 61% Do you trust these numbers?

  13. Wells Fargo Citi Chase and other banks have $Billions in non performing loans Liquidity drying up?

    Wells Fargo Citi Chase and other banks have $Billions in non performing loans Liquidity drying up?

  14. Germany housing market and economy in turmoil Are AMC Shorters using German Securities in trouble?

    Germany housing market and economy in turmoil Are AMC Shorters using German Securities in trouble?

  15. AMC volume 35M 2.4M counterfeit shares available to short at 1.1% CTB 18M shares shorted Crimes?

    AMC volume 35M 2.4M counterfeit shares available to short at 1.1% CTB 18M shares shorted Crimes?
