1. I saw a scary creature in the water

    I saw a scary creature in the water

  2. I was carrying the heaviest object in the world!

    I was carrying the heaviest object in the world!

  3. I shocked the whole game with this!

    I shocked the whole game with this!

  4. I am not afraid of anything BUT EXCECPT..

    I am not afraid of anything BUT EXCECPT..

  5. He didn't know I had a secret play up my sleeve!

    He didn't know I had a secret play up my sleeve!

  6. Should I reveal my secret method to winning

    Should I reveal my secret method to winning

  7. I almost accidently revealed this SECRET

    I almost accidently revealed this SECRET

  8. Can I pull off this secret trickshot

    Can I pull off this secret trickshot