1. Listen to this you LGBTQ+ supporting Morons! Learn something...

    Listen to this you LGBTQ+ supporting Morons! Learn something...

  2. Who remembers this song? Don't know much about History. Don't know much Geography.

    Who remembers this song? Don't know much about History. Don't know much Geography.

  3. Keep the conversation alive. Keep raising awareness! BRING THEM HOME NOW!

    Keep the conversation alive. Keep raising awareness! BRING THEM HOME NOW!

  4. Sorry, I just got the sign over there. I don't know what it means I am a total moron!

    Sorry, I just got the sign over there. I don't know what it means I am a total moron!

  5. Kifir Bibas: Kiddenaped at 9 months old. If alive, celebrated his 1st birthday in Hamas captivity.

    Kifir Bibas: Kiddenaped at 9 months old. If alive, celebrated his 1st birthday in Hamas captivity.

  6. A little Facts and History - The peaceful majority is Irrelevant!

    A little Facts and History - The peaceful majority is Irrelevant!

  7. Why do you hide your face while protesting? Are you that embarrassed in what you stand for?

    Why do you hide your face while protesting? Are you that embarrassed in what you stand for?

  8. It is now clearer than ever who is behind this crisis - Iran. And make no mistake: Europe is next!

    It is now clearer than ever who is behind this crisis - Iran. And make no mistake: Europe is next!

  9. When Israel pulls out of Gaza, we get Terror! Terror is no longer acceptable!

    When Israel pulls out of Gaza, we get Terror! Terror is no longer acceptable!

  10. It is an Ideology and it's all around, not just in Israel

    It is an Ideology and it's all around, not just in Israel

  11. Even our so called coexistence with Israel is a tactic to choke them from the inside!

    Even our so called coexistence with Israel is a tactic to choke them from the inside!

  12. Education in the UK - Don't you think they don't do the same in the US!

    Education in the UK - Don't you think they don't do the same in the US!

  13. Should Sharia Law be above the American Law and Constitution?

    Should Sharia Law be above the American Law and Constitution?

  14. Wait, What??? Yemen is the BIGGEST Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East?!?

    Wait, What??? Yemen is the BIGGEST Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East?!?

  15. Gaza? You keep it. We don't want that back!

    Gaza? You keep it. We don't want that back!

  16. Is the US and Europe next? You better believe it and get ready!

    Is the US and Europe next? You better believe it and get ready!

  17. I was born in Iran under the same regime that is supporting Hamas right now

    I was born in Iran under the same regime that is supporting Hamas right now

  18. What's under your baby's crib? I bet it isn't a terror tunnel...

    What's under your baby's crib? I bet it isn't a terror tunnel...
