1. Evidence of an Ancient Martian Civilization with Dr. John Brandenburg (Episode 191)

    Evidence of an Ancient Martian Civilization with Dr. John Brandenburg (Episode 191)

  2. The Secret History of the Pentagon's Space Program with Dr. David Morehouse (Episode 193)

    The Secret History of the Pentagon's Space Program with Dr. David Morehouse (Episode 193)

  3. How A Precognitive Dreamer Helped MI6 Defeat Terrorism with Christopher Robinson (Episode 196)

    How A Precognitive Dreamer Helped MI6 Defeat Terrorism with Christopher Robinson (Episode 196)

  4. Clearing Negative Entities and Energies with Jeffrey Seelman (Episode 215)

    Clearing Negative Entities and Energies with Jeffrey Seelman (Episode 215)

  5. Was Wagner's Mutiny A Strategic Deceptiont? (with Dr. Sean McFate) (Episode 177)

    Was Wagner's Mutiny A Strategic Deceptiont? (with Dr. Sean McFate) (Episode 177)
