1. Hamas Attack Ignites Israel War Crime Debate: Generational Blood Feud Rages In Middle East

    Hamas Attack Ignites Israel War Crime Debate: Generational Blood Feud Rages In Middle East

  2. IDF's chief spokesperson admits that Israel cannot destroy Hamas

    IDF's chief spokesperson admits that Israel cannot destroy Hamas

  3. He saved the life of Hamas’s leader. Then they murdered his nephew

    He saved the life of Hamas’s leader. Then they murdered his nephew

  4. Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

    Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

  5. Egypt's true face and intentions regarding Gaza and the "peace" with Israel

    Egypt's true face and intentions regarding Gaza and the "peace" with Israel

  6. Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

    Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

  7. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  8. Israeli Arab Joseph Hadad & musician David Draiman: Message to musicians who support Hamas

    Israeli Arab Joseph Hadad & musician David Draiman: Message to musicians who support Hamas

  9. Where does Hamas money come from? Who is behind it? What are their goals? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

    Where does Hamas money come from? Who is behind it? What are their goals? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

  10. An Israeli-Arab tells the truth! Israel must control Gaza!

    An Israeli-Arab tells the truth! Israel must control Gaza!

  11. The Day After? Who cares? What a sad joke! Even sadder when it comes from the US!

    The Day After? Who cares? What a sad joke! Even sadder when it comes from the US!

  12. An American solider fighting with the IDF in Gaza

    An American solider fighting with the IDF in Gaza

  13. 🎶 Muzik🎶 Knifey McStabs Returns for Justice on Elden Fail. NG+2

    🎶 Muzik🎶 Knifey McStabs Returns for Justice on Elden Fail. NG+2

  14. A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

    A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

  15. Douglas Murray - Not Israeli. Not Jewish. But knows History, Facts and knows what he's talking about

    Douglas Murray - Not Israeli. Not Jewish. But knows History, Facts and knows what he's talking about

  16. Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

    Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

  17. These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

    These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

  18. A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

    A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them
