1. UN - Tokenisation. NWO dates & timeline. AI, mRNA Injections & 'Anti-Biotics' Avian Bird flu & Marburg & the Bio-digital Convergence Gulags (depopulation)

    UN - Tokenisation. NWO dates & timeline. AI, mRNA Injections & 'Anti-Biotics' Avian Bird flu & Marburg & the Bio-digital Convergence Gulags (depopulation)

  2. UN - Tokenisation. NWO dates/timeline/religion.AI, mRNA Injections & 'Anti-Biotics' Avian Bird flu & Marburg, Disease X& the BIO - DIGITAL CONVERGENCE Gulags (depopulation)"

    UN - Tokenisation. NWO dates/timeline/religion.AI, mRNA Injections & 'Anti-Biotics' Avian Bird flu & Marburg, Disease X& the BIO - DIGITAL CONVERGENCE Gulags (depopulation)"

  3. Lügen haben kurze Beine,Lies have short legs

    Lügen haben kurze Beine,Lies have short legs

  4. Bernie Sanders just grilled Biden’s FDA chief on chronic disease and corruption.

    Bernie Sanders just grilled Biden’s FDA chief on chronic disease and corruption.
