1. 小羊时评 第231期 20240722 老班长爆雷?拜登宣布退选,贺锦丽希拉里宣布参选,黑暗力量宣布继续追杀川普 #中共头号敌人 灭共者 郭文贵 MilesGuo NFSC 新中国联邦 TakeDowntheCCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA

    小羊时评 第231期 20240722 老班长爆雷?拜登宣布退选,贺锦丽希拉里宣布参选,黑暗力量宣布继续追杀川普 #中共头号敌人 灭共者 郭文贵 MilesGuo NFSC 新中国联邦 TakeDowntheCCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA

  2. 2024.07.24《时间点Time Line》【特别节目】:家丑必须外扬 主持:青藤 嘉宾:Qmay、苍天饶过谁64、Nick #新中国联邦 灭共者 郭文贵 郝海东 MilesGuo NFSC HaoHaidong TakeDowntheCCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA GETTR

    2024.07.24《时间点Time Line》【特别节目】:家丑必须外扬 主持:青藤 嘉宾:Qmay、苍天饶过谁64、Nick #新中国联邦 灭共者 郭文贵 郝海东 MilesGuo NFSC HaoHaidong TakeDowntheCCP CCP≠CHINESE CCP≠CHINA GETTR

  3. 2024.7.24银河系特别节目 《暗恋郭文贵》 第108期 文贵先生爆料全部验证! 关于中共生殖器治国治学~中共支持哈马斯以及诋毁文贵先生的low货老B长《Love Miles Guo》NFSC Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CH

    2024.7.24银河系特别节目 《暗恋郭文贵》 第108期 文贵先生爆料全部验证! 关于中共生殖器治国治学~中共支持哈马斯以及诋毁文贵先生的low货老B长《Love Miles Guo》NFSC Miles Guo Take Down the CCP CCP≠CH

  4. House Hearing On The CCP’s Great Firewall: The Wall Will Fall | NORAD Intercepts CCP and Russian Nuclear Bombers | U.S. Stock Market Wipes $1.1 Trillion In A Day | NFSC NEWS | 07.28.2024 4PM EST

    House Hearing On The CCP’s Great Firewall: The Wall Will Fall | NORAD Intercepts CCP and Russian Nuclear Bombers | U.S. Stock Market Wipes $1.1 Trillion In A Day | NFSC NEWS | 07.28.2024 4PM EST

  5. Mr. Miles Guo gave insight about the essence of personality cult

    Mr. Miles Guo gave insight about the essence of personality cult

  6. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith admitting that the unvaccinated were right

    Alberta Premier Danielle Smith admitting that the unvaccinated were right

  7. 2024.07.26 Elizabeth on Elizabeth Today 伊丽莎白 | 伊丽莎白今日

    2024.07.26 Elizabeth on Elizabeth Today 伊丽莎白 | 伊丽莎白今日

  8. ArriveCAN app pulled tens of millions from taxpayers' pockets.

    ArriveCAN app pulled tens of millions from taxpayers' pockets.

  9. Dr. Naomi Exposes the Dangers of COVID Vaccines to Children

    Dr. Naomi Exposes the Dangers of COVID Vaccines to Children

  10. The CCP has expanded its naval aggression to many regions worldwide

    The CCP has expanded its naval aggression to many regions worldwide

  11. The CCP uses the digital yuan to surveil its citizens

    The CCP uses the digital yuan to surveil its citizens

  12. The CCP has been selling advanced surveillance technology to sanctioned regimes

    The CCP has been selling advanced surveillance technology to sanctioned regimes

  13. The CCP is able to cripple critical U.S. infrastructure in the event of crisis or conflict

    The CCP is able to cripple critical U.S. infrastructure in the event of crisis or conflict

  14. The CCP is not simply building an ever greater firewall, but an entirely distinct online ecosystem

    The CCP is not simply building an ever greater firewall, but an entirely distinct online ecosystem

  15. The Great Firewall advances near-total societal control over the Chinese people

    The Great Firewall advances near-total societal control over the Chinese people

  16. The CCP has built the world's most sophisticated surveillance state

    The CCP has built the world's most sophisticated surveillance state

  17. We cannot allow the CCP to command the Internet. This is a fight the US cannot afford to lose!

    We cannot allow the CCP to command the Internet. This is a fight the US cannot afford to lose!

  18. Xi plans to destroy the Western economy by causing the collapse of Chinese real estate developers

    Xi plans to destroy the Western economy by causing the collapse of Chinese real estate developers

  19. the CCP’s PLA has been conducting military operations in Cuba at lease 5 years ago

    the CCP’s PLA has been conducting military operations in Cuba at lease 5 years ago

  20. The CCP's atrocities of forced organ harvesting are intensifying

    The CCP's atrocities of forced organ harvesting are intensifying

  21. The Chinese Communist Party has achieved its plan to take over Singapore!

    The Chinese Communist Party has achieved its plan to take over Singapore!
