1. @tylerperry Don’t be jealous of what others have just work harder

    @tylerperry Don’t be jealous of what others have just work harder

  2. No matter your circumstance if you focus on your dreams & goals they will become your life

    No matter your circumstance if you focus on your dreams & goals they will become your life

  3. BILLIONIARE says " A House is NOT an Investment"

    BILLIONIARE says " A House is NOT an Investment"

  4. @tylerperry I don’t micromanage I trust the people I hire to do their job

    @tylerperry I don’t micromanage I trust the people I hire to do their job

  5. @tylerperry When you try to fake it till you make it you miss your moment to make it.

    @tylerperry When you try to fake it till you make it you miss your moment to make it.