1. Patriotic Basset Hound Thinks Its Name Is Chicken

    Patriotic Basset Hound Thinks Its Name Is Chicken

  2. OMC! Windy summertime day means relaxation for these lovely chickens!

    OMC! Windy summertime day means relaxation for these lovely chickens!

  3. OMC! It's an action filled windy day pecking and scratching for these chickens!

    OMC! It's an action filled windy day pecking and scratching for these chickens!

  4. OMC! Chickens love to help compost while scratching and pecking for worms!

    OMC! Chickens love to help compost while scratching and pecking for worms!

  5. 161 "Healthcare Hellscape" ft.Marjory Wildcraft, reptile, SMART, evil v church, illegals, bigfoot

    161 "Healthcare Hellscape" ft.Marjory Wildcraft, reptile, SMART, evil v church, illegals, bigfoot

  6. OMC! Little chicken Whitey preening and being cute and shy as usual!

    OMC! Little chicken Whitey preening and being cute and shy as usual!

  7. OMC! Getting intimate camera time with the ladies this day and they made some pretty noises!

    OMC! Getting intimate camera time with the ladies this day and they made some pretty noises!

  8. OMC! Whitey nails it and gets the toad! ..Or does she???

    OMC! Whitey nails it and gets the toad! ..Or does she???

  9. OMC! Whitey and friends slurping down their greens on a nice summer day!

    OMC! Whitey and friends slurping down their greens on a nice summer day!

  10. OMC! Brownie, Whitey, and friends shred clover while looking adorable and precious!

    OMC! Brownie, Whitey, and friends shred clover while looking adorable and precious!
