1. Gutfeld to Shillue: Do You Think It Was a Good Thing that Dems Stole the 2020 Election?

    Gutfeld to Shillue: Do You Think It Was a Good Thing that Dems Stole the 2020 Election?

  2. #238 | Nashville Bomb, Trump Signs the Bill, Kwanzaa Kamala & the One-Horse Pony | Beauty & the Beta

    #238 | Nashville Bomb, Trump Signs the Bill, Kwanzaa Kamala & the One-Horse Pony | Beauty & the Beta

  3. #231 | Media Declare a Biden Win, Trump Preps the Legal Cases | Beauty & Beta

    #231 | Media Declare a Biden Win, Trump Preps the Legal Cases | Beauty & Beta

  4. #237 | Christmas Special! Biden Hacks Up a Victory Speech, Fauci Vaxes Santa | Beauty & the Beta

    #237 | Christmas Special! Biden Hacks Up a Victory Speech, Fauci Vaxes Santa | Beauty & the Beta

  5. #234 | Kraken Is Filed, Toronto BBQ Terrorist Captured, Amy Strikes Down Andrew | Beauty & the Beta

    #234 | Kraken Is Filed, Toronto BBQ Terrorist Captured, Amy Strikes Down Andrew | Beauty & the Beta

  6. #229 | Matt Got Married, Hunter’s Russian Laptop, Final Debate Recap | Beauty & the Beta

    #229 | Matt Got Married, Hunter’s Russian Laptop, Final Debate Recap | Beauty & the Beta

  7. #235 | Suitcase-Gate, Joe Will Get a Disease & Resign, BREAKING: China Lies | Beauty & the Beta

    #235 | Suitcase-Gate, Joe Will Get a Disease & Resign, BREAKING: China Lies | Beauty & the Beta

  8. #232 | Million MAGA March Attacked, Thanksgiving Is Banned, Portland 911 Call | Beauty & the Beta

    #232 | Million MAGA March Attacked, Thanksgiving Is Banned, Portland 911 Call | Beauty & the Beta

  9. #228 | Denver Shooting, Voters Don’t Deserve to Know, Guest Michael Strickland | Beauty & the Beta

    #228 | Denver Shooting, Voters Don’t Deserve to Know, Guest Michael Strickland | Beauty & the Beta

  10. #236 | Supreme Court Rejects the Case, Secession Teases, Susan Bans Dissent | Beauty & the Beta

    #236 | Supreme Court Rejects the Case, Secession Teases, Susan Bans Dissent | Beauty & the Beta

  11. #233 | The Kraken Presser, Rittenhouse Released, Nurse’s CNN Tall Tale | Beauty & the Beta

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  12. #224 | LA Cop Ambush, West Coast Arson Arrests, Gaige and Blake's Hero Treatment | Beauty & the Beta

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  13. #225 | Ginsburg Dead, Trump’s Plan to Replace, Milwaukee BLM Standoff | Beauty & the Beta

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  14. #230 | Halloween Special, Election Predictions, Religion of Peace Strikes France | Beauty & the Beta

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  15. #227 | Trump Has ‘Rona, Whitmer’s Orders Struck Down, Boogie’s Home Defense | Beauty & the Beta

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  16. #223 | Nancy’s Backdoor Blowout, Aussie Mom Arrest, Portland Molotov Dance | Beauty & the Beta

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  17. #226 | Coney Barrett Is the Pick, White Prius Incident, Mask & Church Arrests | Beauty & the Beta

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  19. Why Ricardo Salinas is Betting Big on Bitcoin!

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  20. Investments in AI Companies: The Billion-Dollar Race (2020–2025)

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  21. #255 | Guest Viva Frei, Chauvin Verdict & Appeal, Cultural Knife Fights | Matt & Blonde Show

    #255 | Guest Viva Frei, Chauvin Verdict & Appeal, Cultural Knife Fights | Matt & Blonde Show
