1. VOA. ბაიდენი vs ტრამპი: პირველი დებატების შედეგები, რეაქციები და შთაბეჭდილებები. 28. 06. 2024

    VOA. ბაიდენი vs ტრამპი: პირველი დებატების შედეგები, რეაქციები და შთაბეჭდილებები. 28. 06. 2024

  2. James Corbet on YT censorship, 911 & Bill Gates, the farmer▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    James Corbet on YT censorship, 911 & Bill Gates, the farmer▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  3. Bernie, AOC, Jamaal and Squad ate💩▨AOC rally organizers refuse to talk to press▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Bernie, AOC, Jamaal and Squad ate💩▨AOC rally organizers refuse to talk to press▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  4. Short History of the Origin and Attributes of the Kabballah intersected with Dante's Inferno video game footage

    Short History of the Origin and Attributes of the Kabballah intersected with Dante's Inferno video game footage

  5. Alex Jones, Special Operations Command, CIA, CNP & JBS Connections Exposed(MATTHEW NORTH MIRROR)

    Alex Jones, Special Operations Command, CIA, CNP & JBS Connections Exposed(MATTHEW NORTH MIRROR)

  6. MSNBC trying to put a gleam on that turd called Joetato Biden▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    MSNBC trying to put a gleam on that turd called Joetato Biden▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  7. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and James Clyburn plopping 💩on Joetato Biden's debate performance▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and James Clyburn plopping 💩on Joetato Biden's debate performance▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  8. Jackson Hinkle interview from 6/10/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Jackson Hinkle interview from 6/10/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  9. Anya Parampil interview on Gaza and Israel from 5/13/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Anya Parampil interview on Gaza and Israel from 5/13/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  10. Zionist officials fight over delayed Genocide Joe Biden weapon deliveries▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Zionist officials fight over delayed Genocide Joe Biden weapon deliveries▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  11. Keith Olbermann talks about voting irregularities in 2004▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Keith Olbermann talks about voting irregularities in 2004▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  12. FBI questioning employees concerning views on COVID vaccines & Donald Trump▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    FBI questioning employees concerning views on COVID vaccines & Donald Trump▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  13. Harry Sissy & Olga Nestrova lie about Obama/Biden herding video⨳Barack Obama had to herd Genocide Joe Biden off stage▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Harry Sissy & Olga Nestrova lie about Obama/Biden herding video⨳Barack Obama had to herd Genocide Joe Biden off stage▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  14. $5400 for illegal immigrant hotel rooms/month paid by US $$$▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    $5400 for illegal immigrant hotel rooms/month paid by US $$$▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  15. Max Blumenthal partial interview from 4/29/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Max Blumenthal partial interview from 4/29/2024▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  16. Ron DeSantis is back in bed with Disney▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Ron DeSantis is back in bed with Disney▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  17. Can X community notes be manipulated?▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Can X community notes be manipulated?▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  18. American missiles used in Russian attack▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    American missiles used in Russian attack▮The Jimmy Dore Show

  19. Kris Kobach sues Pfizer over safety and effectiveness▮The Jimmy Dore Show

    Kris Kobach sues Pfizer over safety and effectiveness▮The Jimmy Dore Show
