1. Northern Israel is getting bombarded daily for 9 months by Hezbollah from Lebanon.

    Northern Israel is getting bombarded daily for 9 months by Hezbollah from Lebanon.

  2. Another example of how lies are spread about Israel. The Antisemite machine never rests!

    Another example of how lies are spread about Israel. The Antisemite machine never rests!

  3. The craziness of Anti-Israel Fake News! Do Not believe ANYTHING coming out of Gaza!

    The craziness of Anti-Israel Fake News! Do Not believe ANYTHING coming out of Gaza!

  4. ICJ says Israel's settlement policies go against international law | DW News| Nation Now ✅

    ICJ says Israel's settlement policies go against international law | DW News| Nation Now ✅

  5. Doctors say Israel is targeting Gaza hospitals in NBC News Investigation| Nation Now ✅

    Doctors say Israel is targeting Gaza hospitals in NBC News Investigation| Nation Now ✅

  6. iSaX'SoNs Part 11 (Ending The Identity Crisis, Getting Tribal With Gad and Ruben)

    iSaX'SoNs Part 11 (Ending The Identity Crisis, Getting Tribal With Gad and Ruben)

  7. iSaX'SoNs Part 10 (Ending The Identity Crisis, the Esau, Edom, Khazar Connection)

    iSaX'SoNs Part 10 (Ending The Identity Crisis, the Esau, Edom, Khazar Connection)

  8. Who else is getting sick and tired of the so called Peaceful Pro-Palestinian Protests? This brit is

    Who else is getting sick and tired of the so called Peaceful Pro-Palestinian Protests? This brit is

  9. Again - Islam's agenda is to Rule The World! WAKE UP AMERICA! Start listening to what they say!

    Again - Islam's agenda is to Rule The World! WAKE UP AMERICA! Start listening to what they say!

  10. Joe Bidan wants to bring more Murdering rapists to this country. Not on my watch!

    Joe Bidan wants to bring more Murdering rapists to this country. Not on my watch!

  11. What a Leader! Why can't they all be like Trump?

    What a Leader! Why can't they all be like Trump?

  12. Why is there a water shortage in Gaza? AKA What happens to you if you're a water pipe?

    Why is there a water shortage in Gaza? AKA What happens to you if you're a water pipe?

  13. The latest Palestibullshit - This time about Captain America!

    The latest Palestibullshit - This time about Captain America!

  14. UNRWA - A UN sponsored Terror organization! US and other countries should stop supporting the UN!

    UNRWA - A UN sponsored Terror organization! US and other countries should stop supporting the UN!

  15. Let's boycott all Israeli related products! But wait a minute...

    Let's boycott all Israeli related products! But wait a minute...

  16. Pro-Palestinazis attacking elder Jews in library in Asheville,NC. Throw phone so it doesn’t get out

    Pro-Palestinazis attacking elder Jews in library in Asheville,NC. Throw phone so it doesn’t get out

  17. This poor Palestinian mother lost her Plywood?

    This poor Palestinian mother lost her Plywood?

  18. Pallywood is stealing Hollywood! Celebrities beware!

    Pallywood is stealing Hollywood! Celebrities beware!

  19. Preliminary reports suggest Israel behind Yemen strikes| Nation Now ✅

    Preliminary reports suggest Israel behind Yemen strikes| Nation Now ✅