1. MANDATORY RFID CHIP FOR ALL, CRUCIAL BIBLE PROPHECIES: THE WHEELCHAIR DISABLED, ARTIFICIAL LIMB AMPUTEE, THE FREE & BOND IN PRISON….Revelation 13;15-18🕎 Luke 20:25 “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's”

    MANDATORY RFID CHIP FOR ALL, CRUCIAL BIBLE PROPHECIES: THE WHEELCHAIR DISABLED, ARTIFICIAL LIMB AMPUTEE, THE FREE & BOND IN PRISON….Revelation 13;15-18🕎 Luke 20:25 “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's”

  2. MANDATORY RFID CHIP FOR ALL, THE INCARCERATED BLACKS-BLACK LATINO MEN & WOMEN IN PRISON: FOR COMMISSARY & FOOD…“he causeth all, rich & poor, free & bond, to receive a mark”🕎 Luke 20:25 “the things which be Caesar's”

    MANDATORY RFID CHIP FOR ALL, THE INCARCERATED BLACKS-BLACK LATINO MEN & WOMEN IN PRISON: FOR COMMISSARY & FOOD…“he causeth all, rich & poor, free & bond, to receive a mark”🕎 Luke 20:25 “the things which be Caesar's”

  3. Do we still need to follow the 10 Commandments? | The Christian King

    Do we still need to follow the 10 Commandments? | The Christian King

  4. Do we still need to follow the 10 Commandments? | The Christian King

    Do we still need to follow the 10 Commandments? | The Christian King

  5. A Primer on Giants, Genesis 6 and Why This Even Matters

    A Primer on Giants, Genesis 6 and Why This Even Matters

  6. Rebutting Arian Theology: Examining the Identity of Jesus as Yahweh versus Michael ft. Sam Shamoun

    Rebutting Arian Theology: Examining the Identity of Jesus as Yahweh versus Michael ft. Sam Shamoun
