Creep Thinks We Are Destroying His Phone But We Turn It In Instead! (Barrington NH)
PP Southeast Texas
Pred Thinks Hes Filing Taxes, But Gets The Shock Of His Life & Gets Arrested Instead (Tillamook OR)
PP Southeast Texas
Pedo Sex Offender Thinks Hes Selling me a Car But Gets Caught With CP Instead (San Angelo, Texas)
PP Southeast Texas
UNBELIEVABLE! Chicago Pred Gets Caught For The 3rd Time In 4 Months! ARRESTED (Waukegan, Illinois)
PP Southeast Texas
60 Year Old Pedo Snitches On Sex Offender Friend (Paris, Texas)
PP Southeast Texas
Pedo Out on BOND Gets Caught With Child Porn AGAIN (Vidalia, Georgia)
PP Southeast Texas
Effreminate Geeke Pr●d Discusses ToddIer Phorn Like Its No Big Deal (San Antonio Texas)
PP Southeast Texas
69 YR Old Former NIH Official Comes to Meet 8 YR Old Girl (Westminster, Maryland)
PP Southeast Texas
VERY TENSE CONFRONTATION Gives Pr●d a Nervous Breakdown Before He gets ARRESTED (Irwin Pennsylvania)
PP Southeast Texas
Pred Disowned By Parents During Business Dinner ¦ Predator Poachers TX
Predator Catchers
The Matrix Unveiled: A Journey Through Forbidden Knowledge: Part 5
Boy Scout Leader Predators Family Gets Hostile in Enfield Connecticut ARRESTED
PP Southeast Texas
Tweaker With MuItiple VIctIms is a 'Mentor' to his Daughters Friends (Akron, Ohio)
PP Southeast Texas
Man Brings CAMERA, TRIPOD, & BIKlNl To Take Pictures Of OUR LlVE DECOY At Park (Graham WA) ARRESTED
PP Southeast Texas
Teacher Tries To Hook Up With #Student ¦ New York Creeps Spotlight
Predator Catchers
Father of 2 PANICS When Caught At HIS JOB In Front Of His Coworkers w⁄ ChiId Phorn (Hot Springs, AR)
PP Southeast Texas
Registered Offender And His HUSBAND Tried To Solicit Kid To Motel
PP Southeast Texas
Ashamed Married Creep Drives Off, Changes His Mind, Talks To Us, Gets ARRESTED (Council Bluffs Iowa)
PP Southeast Texas
EDP 445 Catch Predator Poachers ft. CC Unit (Bakersfield California)
PP Southeast Texas