1. Vlog: Bill's, BBQ's & 100,000 of You!

    Vlog: Bill's, BBQ's & 100,000 of You!

  2. Biden surprised at the G7 Summit, Giorgia Meloni had to catch him in a parachute demonstration

    Biden surprised at the G7 Summit, Giorgia Meloni had to catch him in a parachute demonstration

  3. The moment when a drone belonging to Ukrainian army struck Belgorod region of Russia

    The moment when a drone belonging to Ukrainian army struck Belgorod region of Russia

  4. Russian losses in Kharkiv region reach astronomical levels amid renewed offensive

    Russian losses in Kharkiv region reach astronomical levels amid renewed offensive

  5. Ukraine completely isolates Crimea, the peninsula will be liberated from Russian occupation soon

    Ukraine completely isolates Crimea, the peninsula will be liberated from Russian occupation soon

  6. Ukrainian army destroyed Russian radio electronic station R-934B "Sinitsa" in Kharkiv direction

    Ukrainian army destroyed Russian radio electronic station R-934B "Sinitsa" in Kharkiv direction

  7. R-73 missiles were installed on Magura sea drones to shoot down Russian ships in Black Sea

    R-73 missiles were installed on Magura sea drones to shoot down Russian ships in Black Sea

  8. Relatives of mobilized Russian soldiers demand their loved ones' return from Ukraine

    Relatives of mobilized Russian soldiers demand their loved ones' return from Ukraine

  9. Ukraine hits airbase where Su-34, Su-24 aircraft are stationed in Russia’s Rostov –Satellite images

    Ukraine hits airbase where Su-34, Su-24 aircraft are stationed in Russia’s Rostov –Satellite images

  10. Ukraine destroyed over 1,000 Russian soldiers, 20 tanks and 29 BBMs in one day

    Ukraine destroyed over 1,000 Russian soldiers, 20 tanks and 29 BBMs in one day

  11. Ukrainian drones destroy expensive Russian warplanes again, Kremlin's Kharkiv operation fails

    Ukrainian drones destroy expensive Russian warplanes again, Kremlin's Kharkiv operation fails

  12. Treaty between Ukraine and US: Zelensky is worried about what is written in "small letters" here

    Treaty between Ukraine and US: Zelensky is worried about what is written in "small letters" here

  13. Russia develops new dangerous weapon for its navy against Ukraine's drone threat

    Russia develops new dangerous weapon for its navy against Ukraine's drone threat

  14. Russian soldiers who survived after their equipment hit by the mine could not escape the drone

    Russian soldiers who survived after their equipment hit by the mine could not escape the drone

  15. Russia will stop the war in this case - Putin announced the terms of the peace treaty

    Russia will stop the war in this case - Putin announced the terms of the peace treaty

  16. Ukraine is finally getting to hit Russia hard with its wonder-weapons

    Ukraine is finally getting to hit Russia hard with its wonder-weapons

  17. Conflicts arise between Ukraine and West over F-16 pilot training

    Conflicts arise between Ukraine and West over F-16 pilot training

  18. German leader is a “rotten liverwurst” and must ask for forgiveness from Ukrainians – Medvedev

    German leader is a “rotten liverwurst” and must ask for forgiveness from Ukrainians – Medvedev

  19. Striking oil base in Rastov, Ukraine destroyed $540 million worth of Russian oil

    Striking oil base in Rastov, Ukraine destroyed $540 million worth of Russian oil

  20. Former Russian President surprises world with another wild idea, Western countries are main target

    Former Russian President surprises world with another wild idea, Western countries are main target
