1. Arranca en Kazajistán la cumbre de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghái

    Arranca en Kazajistán la cumbre de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghái

  2. "Lieber Freund" – Putin und Xi treffen sich in Kasachstan

    "Lieber Freund" – Putin und Xi treffen sich in Kasachstan

  3. Lawrow: Der Westen will nicht, dass die Ukraine diesen Krieg beendet

    Lawrow: Der Westen will nicht, dass die Ukraine diesen Krieg beendet

  4. Presidents Xi and Putin arrive in Kazakhstan | BBC News

    Presidents Xi and Putin arrive in Kazakhstan | BBC News

  5. Russia and China hail the stability of their partnership at a Eurasian security summit | DW News

    Russia and China hail the stability of their partnership at a Eurasian security summit | DW News

  6. NOTIZIE DAL MONDO summit SCO 2024 ad Astana in Kazakistan.Putin vede Xi e Erdoğan, il leader russo; età dell'oro per le relazioni Russia-Cina.I membri SCO sono Cina,Kazakistan,Kirghizistan,Pakistan,Russia,India,Tagikistan,Uzbekistan e Iran

    NOTIZIE DAL MONDO summit SCO 2024 ad Astana in Kazakistan.Putin vede Xi e Erdoğan, il leader russo; età dell'oro per le relazioni Russia-Cina.I membri SCO sono Cina,Kazakistan,Kirghizistan,Pakistan,Russia,India,Tagikistan,Uzbekistan e Iran

  7. Belarus has become the tenth country of the SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization

    Belarus has become the tenth country of the SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  8. Presidents Xi and Putin arrive in Kazakhstan

    Presidents Xi and Putin arrive in Kazakhstan

  9. SCO Summit 2024: Putin and Xi to strengthen ties, counter the US

    SCO Summit 2024: Putin and Xi to strengthen ties, counter the US

  10. The CCP is afraid of the democratic system that America established

    The CCP is afraid of the democratic system that America established
