1. 【路德时评】中共经济数据再次全面萎缩,中共统计局发布掺水的6月份制造业各项指数持续萎缩,三中全会前经济数据引发全球悲观关注;6/30/2024【路德/Mascot】


  2. A brother of some hostages confronting the loosers at the United Nations

    A brother of some hostages confronting the loosers at the United Nations

  3. Does this seem like Peaceful Protest? Or plain Antisemitism and Anti-zionism?

    Does this seem like Peaceful Protest? Or plain Antisemitism and Anti-zionism?

  4. Americans - This is happening in the USA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP!

    Americans - This is happening in the USA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP!

  5. 241 Days later they finally found the remains of his body. Can you imagine?

    241 Days later they finally found the remains of his body. Can you imagine?

  6. I am protesting Pro-Palestine, but I don't know why

    I am protesting Pro-Palestine, but I don't know why

  7. What happens in other countries if you refuse to convert to Islam?

    What happens in other countries if you refuse to convert to Islam?

  8. Snakes and Ladders - Know the game? Here's a new Original version!

    Snakes and Ladders - Know the game? Here's a new Original version!

  9. Congressman Ritchie Torres - I always was and always will be a Zionist!

    Congressman Ritchie Torres - I always was and always will be a Zionist!

  10. One of the main differences between Israelis and Palestinazis

    One of the main differences between Israelis and Palestinazis

  11. Northern Israel has been on Fire for months. All population evacuated. Why isn't the Media talking?

    Northern Israel has been on Fire for months. All population evacuated. Why isn't the Media talking?

  12. Iranian "Supreme Leader" said the Oct.7th attack came at the right time

    Iranian "Supreme Leader" said the Oct.7th attack came at the right time

  13. For those of you who delude yourselves that the war in Gaza is restricted to Israel - Listen to this

    For those of you who delude yourselves that the war in Gaza is restricted to Israel - Listen to this

  14. Daily life in Northern Israel. Population evacuated 9 months ago. Nothing on US news!

    Daily life in Northern Israel. Population evacuated 9 months ago. Nothing on US news!

  15. Queers for Palesine - Here is what THEY think about you!

    Queers for Palesine - Here is what THEY think about you!

  16. Would you be willing to live like this every day?

    Would you be willing to live like this every day?
